Welcome the MS Excel page of Tech-Guidance. This page has been designed for computer users who are willing to learn Microsoft Excel in simple steps and they do not have much knowledge about computer usage and Microsoft applications. This tutorial will give you enough understanding on MS Excel from where you can take yourself to higher levels of expertise.
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Print Preview and Print in Excel 2010
In this article, we will learn how to avoid wasting papers by first previewing the Excel sheet and then printing it. There are various options present in Print preview in ...

Gridlines in Excel
In this article, I will explain about gridlines in MS excel, how to add/remove gridlines when printing, how to change color of gridlines etc. Highlights1. What are gridlines?2. How to ...

MS Excel Formulas list
In this article, I will explain how MS Excel can do day-to-day calculations much easier for you. We will understand how to apply some basic MS Excel formulas list. Highlights1 ...

Cell Referencing in Excel
This article explains cell referencing in MS-Excel, types of cell referencing and how to use different types of referencing. Highlights1. What is cell referencing in Excel?2. Types of Cell Referencing ...

Introduction to MS Excel
This article gives the basic introduction to MS-Excel, Worksheet, Workbook, Cell, Cell address, Cell range etc. 1. MS Excel Introduction2. Uses of Excel3. Introduction to Cell4. Workbook and Worksheet MS ...